Monday 27 August 2012

E Waste Management in India - Effwa Infra and Research

E waste refers to electronic waste. It is also called waste electrical & electronic equipment or WEEE and e-scribe. This waste is basically discarded electronic and electrical devices. It is important that you enlist the services of a professional for e waste management in India. This is important because a good company will have a team with the necessary training and experience to do a good job. A good company will have the necessary facilities to ensure that the waste is indeed taken care of in a “green” manner. Hiring a professional for waste management in India actually saves you money since it means you do not have to hire an in-house team for the job. It also helps you concentrate in running your business.

One of the leaders in e waste management in the country is Effwa Infra & Research. This is a leading environmental engineering company that has a team of qualified and experienced scientists and engineers in the fields. Other than e waste management, the company also offers water treatment, sewage treatment & recycling, incineration, bioremediation & restoration of water bodies, solid waste management, and other services.

So, how does the team at Effwa Infra & Research go about e waste management in India? The company is guided by the government policy and the policy of the company or municipal authority that has given it the contract. The company does recycling. Computer monitors are a major contributor to e waste. The company packs the monitors on wooden pallets in low stacks for recycling and then it does shrink-wrapping.

Effwa Infra & Research also takes the waste and turns it into items that can be refurbished and reused. Reusing these products has social and environmental benefits. The company also converts e waste into virgin raw materials. Large quantities of electricity and water are required for conventional recycling and this is therefore a good e waste management idea.

Effwa Infra & Research does reclamation. This is the extraction of such metals as gold, copper, and lead from electronic devices. This is usually done on audiovisual components, stereo equipment, VCRs, TVs, mobile phones, tablets, and other hand-held devices. Printed circuit boards are reclaimed by the removal of silver, platinum, gold, copper, aluminum, and iron. The company is studying such recycling methods as cryogenic decomposition for printed circuit boards since mechanical shredding and separation is highly inefficient. Effwa Infra & Research also recycles lead from batteries.

1 comment:

  1. Waste can take many forms. It may be solid, liquid, gas, or in some cases radioactive. Residents and companies are constantly looking for the best and least expensive ways to handle the ever growing problem.
    commercial waste disposal grand rapids
